FOREX Traders & Developers:

Tired of Losing?

This 37+ Year, 28 Pairs, 99.3% Accurate Historical Forex Data Will Change Your Entire Approach to Trading...

Gain a Massive Data-Driven Edge that 99% of traders will NEVER see – all for a fraction of the €94,625 those 'Big Data' guys charge.

A man sitting at a desk with a graph on his computer.

Take a FREE Peek At the Pro's Data!

✔️ 3 Years of Pristine Historical Forex Data.

✔️ 28 Pairs to Put Through the Wringer.

✔️ Zero Cost (€497), No Tricks, No Catch.

Peeped the Privacy Policy. Hook me up with my free historical Forex data!

Photo of the testimonial from 'Lukas' in a circle.

Lukas Weber, Switzerland

Data Scientist

Five yellow stars in a row.

"Accuracy is non-negotiable in my trading models. Your historical data goes beyond what I've seen in academia or the commercial market – clean, consistent, and reliable."

How 'Good Enough' Data Can Sink Your Financial Dreams!

Photo of Lorenz.

Hey there, fellow trader! I'm Lorenz, the 'geektrader' you might know from StrategyQuant or ForexSB. Back in the day (2008, the wild west!), I was all about those forums and grinding on Dukascopy data. Sound familiar? Here's the thing I wish I knew then...

That 'good enough' data? It was sabotaging my career. For years, I built strategies that looked killer in backtesting, but the live market turned them into roadkill. The whole game felt rigged, and I was about to throw in the towel...

An icon of a person with question marks around his head.
An icon of a person with a light bulb above his head.

Then it dawned on me: I was stuck in the 'Dukascopy death spiral' – a classic example of how gaps and spikes ruin strategy development from the get-go. Go live, funds bleed, confidence shattered. Yet, instead of switching data, double down... Rinse, repeat, while your computer keeps crunching flawed data. I've seen hundreds of traders stuck like that – for over a decade. Then there's Olsen Data, waving a €94.625 price tag with no updates – feels like the little guy can't win.

An icon of a person sitting in front of a computer.

But giving up? Not my style. For over 15 years, I went full mad scientist, obsessed with building the historical Forex dataset I always wished I had – the one I kept to myself until now. Built by a trader, for traders, giving them a fighting chance to flip their script too.

Three red arrows pointing downwards.

How 'Good Enough' Data Can Sink Your Financial Dreams!

An photo of Lorenz, aka "geektrader".

Hey there, fellow trader! I'm Lorenz, the 'geektrader' you might know from StrategyQuant or ForexSB. Back in the day (2008, the wild west!), I was all about those forums and grinding on Dukascopy data. Sound familiar? Here's the thing I wish I knew then...

A person with question marks around his head.

That 'good enough' data? It was sabotaging my career. For years, I built strategies that looked killer in backtesting, but the live market turned them into roadkill. The whole game felt rigged, and I was about to throw in the towel...

A person with a light bulb above his head.

Then it dawned on me: I was stuck in the 'Dukascopy death spiral' – a classic example of how gaps and spikes ruin strategy development from the get-go. Go live, funds bleed, confidence shattered. Yet, instead of switching data, double down... Rinse, repeat, while your computer keeps crunching flawed data. I've seen hundreds of traders stuck like that – for over a decade. Then there's Olsen Data, waving a €94.625 price tag with no updates – feels like the little guy can't win.

A person sitting in front of a computer.

But giving up? Not my style. For over 15 years, I went full mad scientist, obsessed with building the historical Forex dataset I always wished I had – the one I kept to myself until now. Built by a trader, for traders, giving them a fighting chance to flip their script too.

Three red arrows pointing downwards.
Photo of the testimonial from "Brian" in a circle.

Brian Reynolds, USA

Forex Day Trader

Five yellow stars in a row.

"Finally realized my indicators weren't the problem, it was the data! This data's precision and depth turned my trading around. My win rate's up to 72% and profits have increased by 114%."


The Ultimate FOREX Historical Dataset...

An icon of a light bulb.

See What Others Miss

28 pairs, all their secrets exposed. This data is like having a backstage pass to the Forex market – finally, see the long-term patterns the pros are exploiting.

An hourglass Icon symbolizing depth.

Decades at Your Disposal

37+ years of M1 data for 21 pairs from 1987, and another 21+ years for 7 more since 2003. See how the market really behaved over decadesnot snippets.

An icon of an abstract representation of a data cube.

Raw Power, No Sweat

Massive potential, zero hassle. 23 GB of market intelligence in a streamlined 3 GB package – designed for rebels who trade, not tech wrestle.

An icon of a check mark.

Your Accuracy Shield

A revolution in reliability. 99.3% guaranteed accuracy, independently verified by FX Blue (check the report here💾) means no more second-guessing your foundation.


The Ultimate FOREX Historical Dataset...

An hourglass Icon symbolizing depth.

Decades at Your Disposal

37+ years of M1 data for 21 pairs from 1987, and another 21+ years for 7 more since 2003. See how the market really behaved over decadesnot snippets.

An icon of a light bulb.

See What Others Miss

28 pairs, all their secrets exposed. This data is like having a backstage pass to the Forex market – finally, see the long-term patterns the pros are exploiting.

An abstract representation of a data cube.

Raw Power, No Sweat

Massive potential, zero hassle. 23 GB of market intelligence in a streamlined 3 GB package – designed for rebels who trade, not tech wrestle.

An icon of a check mark.

Your Accuracy Shield

A revolution in reliability. 99.3% guaranteed accuracy, independently verified by FX Blue (check the report here💾) means no more second-guessing your foundation.

Hear It Straight From the Data Believers!

Rob G., USA

Strategyquant Expert

Five yellow stars in a row.

Early Birds: Grab Your 'Forever Fresh' Data Advantage...

An icon of a hand from which coins fall out.
An icon of a triangle pointing downwards with a 1 in the middle.
An icon of an infinity sign in a circle of three arrows.

Your Forex Data, Always Wide-Awake

Say 'hello' to LIFETIME UPDATES that won't cost you another dime. As the Forex world spins, we supply you with fresh monthly data that keeps your edge razor-sharp.

(value: €2,400/year - FREE for LIFE for early birds!)

An icon of a triangle pointing downwards with a 2 in the middle
An icon of a diamond in the center of a circle with a check mark.

Our Guarantee: Non-Stop Precision

Sleep like a baby, knowing your data is on a never-ending quest for perfection with constant quality tune-ups. We're not just selling data; we're crafting a legacy of laser-like precision. It's growth gear time.

(value: €2,400/year - FREE for LIFE for early birds!)

An icon of a triangle pointing downwards with a 3 in the middle
An icon of a quality seal with a check mark in the middle.

A Data Foundation You'd Stake Your Strategy On

Lorenz dedicated 15+ years to forging M1 data that's as reliable as gravity. It's not just superior quality you're getting; it's the assurance that your backtests and trades stand on unshakeable ground.

Photo of the testimonial from "Kenji" in a circle.

Kenji Tanaka, Japan

Algorithmic Trader

Five yellow stars in a row.

"Switched from a pricey $300/mo subscription to this data and never looked back. Lifetime updates change everything!"

An icon of a human with a question mark in front of his head.

Step Up Your Game – Leave Flimsy Data in Your Rearview!

Data Comparison
Dukascopy Free

Smart Choice

Our Data €1.599 With Early Bird Discount
Olsen Data €94.625 Verify Here 🔗
TraderMade £21.816 Verify Here 🔗
37+ Years on 21 Pairs (non-NZD)
37+ Years on 21 Pairs (non-NZD) ❌ From 2003 Only ✔️ ❌ From 2016 Only
21+ Years on 7 Pairs (NZD)
21+ Years on 7 Pairs (NZD) ❌ From 2006 Only ✔️ ❌ From 2016 Only
Guaranteed 99.3%+ Data Quality
Guaranteed 99.3%+ Data Quality
Verified Quality Report
Verified Quality Report ⚠️ Partially - Verify Here 🔗
Free Quality Updates
Free Quality Updates
Free Lifetime Updates
Free Lifetime Updates ⚠️ Not Guaranteed
Premium Support
Premium Support ⚠️ Unverified ⚠️ Unverified
Photo of the testimonial from "Tomasz" in a circle.

Tomasz Nowak, Poland

EA Developer

Five yellow stars in a row.

"Chasing 'free' Forex data led to $12,000 in losses from flawed systems last year alone. Switching to your premium data was the turning point I needed – I only wish I hadn't waited so long."

Uncover the Data-Driven Opportunities That Fellow Traders Are Exploiting (And How You Can Jump on Board)...

A detailed screenshot showcasing a successful backtest of a Forex portfolio using QuantAnalyzer software.

Build Your Strategy Masterpiece on Rock-Solid Data...

A trader developed a portfolio starting in 1987 with solid upward equity curves, short stagnation, and breakthrough metrics using our data.

An insightful screenshot of a thriving MyFxBook live account.

...And Turn It into Bankable Profits

The same data-driven strategies then achieved 60% gains with a small 15% drawdown in live markets. What if your next strategy portfolio surpassed even this?

A comprehensive screenshot of a profitable GBPUSD backtest executed in MetaTrader.

The Data-Driven Key to Conquering GBPUSD

Another trader built a GBPUSD strategy with more than 3 decades of success using our data. Is it time to take your trading to the next level too?

A multi-strategy screenshot featuring several high-performing GBPCAD trading strategies within the EA Studio software.

Build GBPCAD Strategies with Enviable Consistency

Discover how a trader achieved GBPCAD strategies boasting return-drawdown ratios >60 and minimal stagnation since 1987. Get the same data he used to fuel your long-term trading edge.

A detailed screenshot showcasing a successful backtest of a Forex portfolio using QuantAnalyzer software.
An insightful screenshot of a thriving MyFxBook live account.
A comprehensive screenshot of a profitable GBPUSD backtest executed in MetaTrader.
A multi-strategy screenshot featuring several high-performing GBPCAD trading strategies within the EA Studio software.

Build Your Strategy Masterpiece on Rock-Solid Data...

...And Turn It into Bankable Profits

The Data-Driven Key to Conquering GBPUSD

Build GBPCAD Strategies with Enviable Consistency

A trader developed a portfolio starting in 1987 with solid upward equity curves, short stagnation, and breakthrough metrics using our data.

The same data-driven strategies then achieved 60% gains with a small 15% drawdown in live markets. What if your next strategy portfolio surpassed even this?

Another trader built a GBPUSD strategy with more than 3 decades of success using our data. Is it time to take your trading to the next level too?

Discover how a trader achieved GBPCAD strategies boasting return-drawdown ratios >60 and minimal stagnation since 1987. Get the same data he used to fuel your long-term trading edge.

From Pro Quants to Eager Newbies... Whether you’re:

An icon of a red arrow pointing downwards to the right side.
  • Creating algorithm magic
  • Tweaking strategies towards perfection
  • Or diving into the wilds of manual trading

...this data is your unfair advantage!

Seamlessly Slide it into Platforms Like:

An icon of a red arrow pointing downwards to the left side.
  • Metatrader 4/5
  • Strategyquant (X)
  • Expert Advisor Studio
  • Build Alpha
  • Python
  • R

...and many more (see FAQ)!

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An icon of a red plus sign in a red circle.
An icon of two hands shaking hands.

Tech Troubles Got You Spooked? We Keep the Data Setup Simple!

Our premium support is on standby to make your data work like magic with your setup. Consider it your personal data concierge.

Seize Your Missing Piece of the Forex Puzzle!

An icon of a sandcastle with waves around it.

Had it with trades crumbling thanks to data as sturdy as a sandcastle? Hammer out strategies on decades of pristine, 99.3% error-free historical Forex data.

An icon of a collapsing house with a bad foundation.

Done watching shifty data sinking your strategy battleships? Overhaul your game with data so sharp, it's like insider trading (but legal; we checked!).

An icon of breaking chains.

Bust out from the voodoo of half-baked data. Unlock your real potential with the prime cut of Forex historical datasets out there.

An icon of a  Greek column with strong upper arms at the side.

Flex the power of catching patterns that fly under everyone else's radar. Hit results you never thought possible with Big Data backing you up.

Photo of the testimonial from "David" in a circle.

David King, Australia

Forex Algo Developer

Five yellow stars in a row.

"The depth of your dataset has been a game-changer for my strategy development. I've uncovered consistent patterns that span over 30 years across different currency pairs. My new strategies aren't just built on a snapshot anymore, they work across changing market conditions."

Seize Your Missing Piece of the Forex Puzzle...

Icon of a collapsing house with bad foundation.

Done watching shifty data sinking your strategy battleships? Overhaul your game with data so sharp, it's like insider trading (but legal; we checked!).

Icon of a sandcastle with waves around it.

Had it with trades crumbling thanks to data as sturdy as a sandcastle? Hammer out strategies on decades of pristine, 99.3% error-free historical Forex data.

An icon of breaking chains.

Bust out from the voodoo of half-baked data. Unlock your real potential with the prime cut of Forex historical datasets out there.

A Greek column with strong upper arms at the side.

Flex the power of catching patterns that fly under everyone else's radar. Hit results you never thought possible with Big Data backing you up.

Join the Data Revolution!

(60% Off + Free Bonus)

A red star with a percentage sign on it, symbolizing a discount.

✔️ Join the ranks of pro traders with our exclusive limited-time launch love!

✔️ Bag LIFETIME ACCESS with FREE updates – say goodbye to monthly fees forever (value: €2,400/year)!

✔️ Sign up for the newsletter below and pocket your 60% discount voucher.

✔️ Get instant access to your data goldmine today and choose 'pay later' if you like (check the FAQs).

✔️ BONUS: Snag 3 years of pristine historical Forex data on 28 pairs (absolutely FREE!).



(plus applicable VAT)

Early Birds...

Claim Your 60% Discount + FREE Data Bonus Now!

Peeped the Privacy Policy. Let's make history!

A red star with a percentage sign on it, symbolizing a discount.
Photo of the testimonial from "Mikkel" in a circle.

Mikkel Andersen, Denmark

Machine Learning Engineer

Five yellow stars in a row.

"As a skeptic, I demand evidence before I invest a single dollar. So, trust me when I say I was wary. But the results speak for themselves - the systems I developed using your data have returned my investment three-fold in just 3 months. Kudos for this gem!"

Unlock Your Unfair Advantage TODAY...

Photo of Lorenz.

You haven't checked out yet, right? Brilliant...

Cuz here's where it gets JUICY! The question on everyone's mind: Is this pile of golden-goose data gonna turn YOU into a trading rockstar?

Here's the unvarnished truth (I'm not one to beat around the bush): I'm not gonna promise you'll be the next Wolf of Wall Street overnight!

But here's the thing...

This data? It's the closest you'll ever get to a cheat sheet. It's about finding YOUR edge and having a tool to sharpen it day in and day out — stuff 99% of the trader crowd ain't ever gonna see while they're busy chasing their tails.

Sick of the rigged 'system' that always seems to favor the big dogs? If this rings true for YOU, let's get this party started...

The signature of Lorenz.

Founder & CEO of

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

An icon of a red question mark.
Which currency pairs does this dataset cover, and what are the start dates for each pair?

To give you the most comprehensive and accurate view of the Forex market, our dataset provides in-depth historical data on the following major currency pairs:

▪️ Starting 1987






















▪️ Starting 2003








🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Unmatched Depth

The deep coverage allows you to uncover long-term patterns and trends invisible in other datasets.

✔️ Reliability Boost

Build strategies with confidence, knowing the data covers an extensive period with significant market events.

✔️ Tailored Analysis

Focus on specific pairs and their unique historical behaviors.

What timeframes are available in the dataset?

Our dataset provides you with the ultimate flexibility and convenience.

▪️ Core Resolution

All data is meticulously provided in the M1 (1-minute) format. This is the granular building block you need for in-depth analysis and strategy development.

▪️ Pre-Converted Timeframes

To streamline your workflow, we also include the following pre-converted timeframes:

M5 (5-minute)
M15 (15-minute)
M30 (30-minute)
H1 (1-hour)
H4 (4-hour)
D1 (Daily)

These additional timeframes are included for seamless integration into platforms that may not automatically create them from M1 data (like Forex Strategy Builder, Adaptrade Builder, or Build Alpha).

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Maximize Your Potential

Analyze the market at multiple levels without the hassle of manual conversions.

✔️ Versatility

Adapt strategies to your preferred timeframes with ease.

✔️ Time-Saving

Focus on strategy creation, not data manipulation.

What timezone does the dataset use?

Our dataset consistently uses EST+7 (Eastern Standard Time + 7 hours).

▪️ Consistent Daily Rollover

The Asian session rollover occurs at 00:00 in the data throughout the whole year, regardless of daylight saving time changes around the world.

▪️ Broker Alignment

This timezone is widely used by Forex brokers, ensuring that your analysis and strategies are in sync with real-world market conditions.

▪️ Simplified Analysis

You won't need to make time adjustments based on your location or broker, making your workflow smoother and less prone to errors.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Reliable Patterns

Identify patterns that aren't distorted by time shifts.

✔️ Seamless Strategy Execution

Minimize discrepancies between your backtesting results and what you get on your broker in live trading.

✔️ Focus on Analysis

Spend less time on time zone management and more time on developing profitable strategies.

What file format does the dataset come in?

Our dataset follows the industry-standard CSV (comma-separated values) format used natively by Metatrader 4. This format includes the following columns:

▪️ DATE: The date of the price quotes (YYYY.MM.DD format).

▪️ TIME: The time of the price quotes (HH:MM format).

▪️ OPEN: The opening price of the bar.

▪️ HIGH: The highest price reached within the bar.

▪️ LOW: The lowest price reached within the bar.

▪️ CLOSE: The closing price of the bar.

▪️ VOLUME: The trading volume of the bar.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Wide Compatibility

Work effortlessly with your preferred analysis and strategy development tools.

✔️ Easy Setup

If your platform supports custom CSV imports, integration is typically straightforward.

✔️ Focus on Trading

Spend less time on data formatting and more time on developing profitable strategies.

Which platforms are compatible with this dataset?

Our dataset is designed for maximum compatibility with the most popular trading platforms, including:

Metatrader 4

Metatrader 5

Strategyquant (X)

EA Studio

Express Generator

Forex Strategy Builder


Build Alpha


Adaptrade Builder




Sierra Chart

The Zorro Project









Trading Blox

NeuroShell Trader






▪️ Important Note

Even if your platform isn't listed, there's a good chance it supports custom CSV data imports. In that case, integration should be straightforward.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Versatility

Choose the platform that best suits your trading strategies and style.

✔️ Streamlined Workflow

Start analyzing and building strategies quickly without the need for complex data conversions.

✔️ Enhanced Learning

Experiment with different platforms and tools to expand your trading knowledge and skills.

What if I encounter issues or need a different format?

We're committed to ensuring you have a seamless experience with our dataset. If you encounter any technical difficulties or require the data in a specific format, our dedicated support is here to assist.

▪️ Personalized Support

We'll work with you to resolve any issues and provide the data in a way that perfectly suits your platform's requirements.

▪️ Automated Conversion: Our free Powershell script, which you can download here, automatically converts the data into various popular platform formats. We're constantly expanding the script's capabilities, and if you need a specific format, we can add it quickly. Just contact us and consider it done.

▪️ No Extra Charge

This customized assistance is included in your purchase, giving you peace of mind.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Stress-Free Setup

Get the help you need for a smooth and successful integration.

✔️ Expert Guidance

Tap into our expertise for tailored solutions and support.

✔️ Focus on What Matters

Spend less time troubleshooting and more time on developing your strategies.

Will I receive updates to the dataset, and are there plans for future improvements?

Our commitment to data excellence extends far beyond your initial purchase. Think of this dataset as a continuously evolving asset. To ensure you're always working with the best possible data, we provide:

▪️ Monthly Updates

Fresh market data is added to your dataset every month, further extending your analysis capabilities.

▪️ Ongoing Refinement

We tirelessly work on enhancing the data's quality even further, ensuring you always have the most accurate and reliable foundation for your strategies.

▪️ Lifetime Access

These updates and enhancements are yours for life, at no extra cost.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Stay Ahead of the Curve

Access the latest market information to make informed trading decisions.

✔️ Confidence in Your Strategies

Build on an ever-improving dataset that gives you a real edge.

✔️ Long-Term Value

Your investment grows over time, becoming an even more powerful resource for your trading success.

How is the accuracy and reliability of the data ensured?

We understand that the foundation of profitable trading is trustworthy data. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to delivering a dataset of exceptional quality, meticulously refined over 15 years.

▪️ Rigorous Cleaning and Validation

Our data undergoes extensive proprietary automated and manual cleaning and validation processes to eliminate errors, gaps, and inconsistencies that plague other datasets.

▪️ FX Blue Data Integrity Checker

This independent tool certifies the dataset's high quality. You can download the validated in-depth report here.

▪️ Ongoing Refinements

We aren't content to rest – our team continuously improves data integrity with each update.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Build with Confidence

Develop strategies knowing your backtests are based on accurate historical market behavior.

✔️ Avoid Costly Mistakes

Minimize the risk of trading decisions and systems based on flawed data.

✔️ Peace of Mind

Focus on analysis, knowing your dataset is exceptionally reliable – always.

Why should I choose this dataset over others, like the free Dukascopy data?

Free and low-cost datasets are riddled with hidden pitfalls that actively sabotage your trading success.

Free Data:

▪️ Error-Riddled

Spikes, gaps, and inconsistencies in free data lead to unreliable backtesting and strategies that fail in live trading.

▪️ Strategy Sabotage

Automated development platforms build strategies around data errors and are missing or invalidating strategies that would otherwise be profitable with accurate data.

▪️ Limited Scope

Inadequate historical depth for identifying robust patterns results in strategies that don't stand the test of time.

▪️ Wasted Resources

Chasing results based on flawed data costs you fruitless hours, lost capital, and mounting frustration.

Our Data:

▪️ Unmatched Depth

Decades of history help you uncover patterns invisible in short-term data, building lasting strategies.

▪️ Rigorous Refinement

Our meticulous cleaning process delivers over 99% data accuracy, eliminating errors that undermine your strategy development.

▪️ Verified & Proven Quality

We're the only data provider offering the FX Blue Data Integrity Checker Report as proof of our dataset's excellence. Download the report here.

▪️ Confidence in Results

With reliable data, your backtests and systems accurately reflect real-world market conditions.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Avoid Costly Errors

Mitigate the risk of building strategies on fundamentally flawed data.

✔️ Save Time and Effort

Eliminate wasted resources fixing errors and chasing strategies that are doomed to fail.

✔️ Gain a True Edge

Discover reliable patterns and build robust systems that give you a competitive advantage.

I'm new to Forex trading. Is this dataset suitable for me?

Absolutely! We're passionate about helping Forex traders of all levels succeed. Whether you're just starting or are a seasoned veteran, this dataset offers valuable benefits for your trading journey.

▪️ Reliable Foundation

Accurate data is the cornerstone for understanding market behavior and avoiding building flawed strategies from the start.

▪️ Build Proper Habits

From day one, work with reliable data to develop sound analysis, strategies, and risk-management skills.

▪️ Avoid Frustration

Minimize distractions, and setbacks caused by troubleshooting bad data.

▪️ Tailored Guidance

Our free premium support is here to help you integrate the data into your preferred learning platforms and tools.

▪️ Community Resources

We can connect you with traders, online communities, and resources for further exploration and learning.

▪️ Data as a Teacher

Our dataset empowers you to experiment, discover, and test your understanding of the Forex market.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Accelerated Learning

Start your trading journey with a strong foundation for success.

✔️ Confidence Boost

Progress with the assurance that your insights are based on accurate information.

✔️ Personalized Support

Get the assistance you need to maximize the value of the dataset.

This dataset seems expensive, and I'm not sure I need that much historical data. Why is it worth the investment?

We understand that the price and the volume of data might initially seem daunting. However, this dataset is an investment in your trading future – here's why:

▪️ Avoiding Recent Bias

Relying solely on recent data leads to overfitting strategies to specific market conditions, which fail when those conditions change (as they always do).

▪️ Cost vs. Loss

While this dataset may seem more expensive than alternatives, the true cost comes from losses incurred by trading unreliable strategies built on limited and flawed data.

▪️ Strategy Stability

Strategies built on decades of data are fundamentally more robust and adaptable to changing market conditions. They simply 'know' more of what the market can do.

▪️ Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

More data means the potential to discover strategies that would be invisible within a few years of history. This can be the difference between average results and extraordinary breakthroughs.

▪️ Competitive Edge

Most traders rely on limited data, giving you an advantage few possess.

▪️ Return on Investment

Consider the potential returns from just a few more informed trading decisions and better strategies made possible by our data. The investment quickly pays for itself.

▪️ Quality Guarantee

We're so confident in our data's quality that we offer the only dataset with an FX Blue Data Integrity Report for proof. You can download the report here.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Stability and Adaptability

Build strategies that weather market shifts with greater confidence.

✔️ Increased Profit Potential

Tap into the hidden opportunities that only a long-term perspective reveals.

✔️ Peace of Mind

Know that your insights are built on the most reliable foundation available on the market.

What payment methods do you offer, and is there an option for financing?

Ensuring a smooth and accessible purchase experience is a cornerstone of our service. We offer a broad selection of payment methods, empowering you to choose the one that aligns with your financial preferences. Here's a detailed outline of the payment options available to you:

▪️ Credit and Debit Cards

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card, Diners Club, JCB, Cartes Bancaires, China Union Pay, and Maestro.

▪️ E-Wallets

PayPal, Apple Pay.

▪️ Bank Transfers

SEPA, SEPA Lastschrift, Giropay.

▪️ Invoice Payments

Klarna (available for all customers), Billie (primarily for B2B clients).

▪️ Country-Specific Payment Methods

Bancontact, Belfius, EPS, iDEAL, in3, KBC/CBC Payment, BLIK, and TWINT.

▪️ Financing Options

Selecting "Mollie" during checkout gives you access to financing through Klarna and in3, offering the flexibility to purchase now and pay later. Here's what to expect:

▪️ Klarna Financing

Subject to your country of residence and Klarna's credit evaluation, you may be eligible for interest-free installments—typically 3 to 4—or interest-based financing for up to 36 months. Availability and terms are determined solely by Klarna.

▪️ in3 Payment Plan

If you're in a supported country, in3 allows for payment in 3 interest-free installments over 60 days, helping you distribute your payment in a way that fits your budget.

Please note that Klarna and in3's financial services are designed for flexibility, but their availability and specific offerings are contingent on the providers' policies and may depend on your individual situation.

If you need more information about payment options or require further assistance, our support is ready to offer personalized help.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Flexible Payment Options

Choose from various payment methods for a smooth transaction tailored to your financial preferences.

✔️ Accessible Financing

Take advantage of financing options to make your investment more manageable.

✔️ Checkout Confidence

Complete your purchase with confidence, secure in the knowledge that our reliable and varied payment solutions cater to your needs.

I'm concerned about my dataset being shared or resold illegally. How do you protect buyers like me?

We understand the importance of safeguarding your investment and the exclusive edge this dataset provides. That's why we implement subtle, non-intrusive watermarking technology:

Maintaining Your Advantage

The watermark helps us limit unauthorized distribution, ensuring that the dataset's value and the strategies you build upon it remain protected.

Preserving Exclusivity

By minimizing widespread sharing, we help maintain the integrity of the data and the competitive edge it offers to legitimate buyers.

Proactive Protection

Should unauthorized sharing occur, the watermark allows us to promptly identify the source and ensure appropriate measures are taken to preserve the dataset's exclusivity and minimize the impact on our valued customers.

GDPR Compliant

Our watermarking process strictly adheres to all data privacy regulations. All customer information is securely encrypted to protect your privacy.

Data Integrity

The watermark does not alter the core data in any way that would affect your analysis or strategy development.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Long-Term Value

Maintain the effectiveness of your analysis and strategies derived from the dataset.

✔️ Community Protection

Contribute to a sustainable data ecosystem that benefits all legitimate buyers.

✔️ Peace of Mind

Focus on trading with the assurance that we're working to protect your investment.

What kind of technical support do you offer, and how quickly can I expect a response?

We understand that getting the most out of your data often requires guidance and support. We're committed to ensuring you have a seamless experience with our dataset and offer:

▪️ Multi-Channel Assistance

Choose your preferred contact method: email us at [email protected], call us directly at +49 (0)170 750 22 92, access our live chat (lower right corner), or use our contact form. We're always happy to assist and aim to respond within 12 hours.

▪️ Screen Sharing & Remote Assistance

For complex issues, we can help remotely on your system (with your permission), saving you time and frustration.

▪️ Data Integration Expertise

Whether you have questions about our data or anything related, we have the knowledge to help you overcome all technical hurdles.

▪️ Automated Data Conversion Tool

Download our free Powershell script for automated data conversion to popular platforms here. We expand it with more platforms upon request, usually within one business day.

🤝 Your Benefits:

✔️ Personalized Solutions

Get the support that best suits your needs and preferences.

✔️ Expert Guidance

Tap into our expertise for seamless integration and troubleshooting.

✔️ Seamless Experience

Focus on trading, knowing that help is always readily available.

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Transforming the World of Forex, One Data Point at a Time!

✉️ [email protected]

📱 +49 (0)170 750 22 92

🆔 DE814199915

📍 Gompitzer Str. 108

01157 Dresden


Disclaimer: provides historical Forex data for informational and analytical purposes only. Our data is not intended for use as financial advice. © 2024 All rights reserved